The Geese

Most of my blogs have been about trains, history of area coal mines or rants about the city of Canton so I'm going to do one on the geese. I think they deserve one since they bring me some company when I need some. They don't judge, they don't critisize and they don't nag also they don't care what the hell you say to them. Granted they want food but a few let me pet them on the back and got real close. Some eat out of my hand and some will lay there next to me for a while chilling in the shade not the least bit scared of me. They will never have a reason to fear me I like them. They are so much better than dealing with some people. I have never been attacked or had any problems. The worst they do is hiss at you even if your just feeding them. I just take it as "Give me food now" hiss. Haha. One goose is different from the others and looks like a hybrid between a Canada goose and some other goose maybe a domesticated one? I don't know. I named h...