Chasing KJRY west to La Harpe.

Yesterday got a heads up on a westbound KJRY with the destination La Harpe so I decided to follow it there. I finished up whatever was doing in Canton then caught them at Cuba. When i crossed the highway 41 bridge over BNSF and the KJRY tracks which lie near each other seen a BNSF Coal train head south going towards Adair which would go to Beardstown. KJRY came alone so got two trains at once in one film which was cool. I never seen that with KJ before. At Bushnell had to wait for them a bit on the edge of town they were doing something. They were just out of sight other than see them back in back out over and over for a good 45 minutes. After that filmed them near Good Hope but I really like the Sciota scenery with the big grain elevators there which I wanted in full frame. At Blandinsville caught them running along some cemetery which seemed like a cool location. After which went to La Harpe. They pulled up and shut down the ...