The F's and two geeps plus old diamond.

A friend gave me a heads up on a westbound KJRY train that would likely come through Canton today. It did a little later than i expected but not really too long. I waited for a while down at First and talked to Kathy on the phone for like an hour or so. I was going to film here because South First is where i grew up and would run down to the tracks or ride my bike to watch trains in the alley also known as Railroad street or ride my bike down to the Second or Third Avenue areas and watch trains. But after noon I got impatient thinking maybe they weren't going to run today but was more impatient because i had to take a leak. Yeah yeah such talk for a lady I could hear my grandmother now. Pfft. Seriously why was my family so concerned about me being a lady? My favorite was when Dad said i needed to dress and act more like a lady in the break room of Intermet which was a foundry with people of all walks of life. Manners were not a requirement there and Dad got me hired th...