Thanks to subscribers, friends, family and a KJRY eastbound...

First off it would be rude of me not to give a shout out to my friends, a few relatives and my youtube subscribers which some have become friends. These people make me feel better even if things are at their darkest. Some have taken kindness on me and helped me in more ways I can express. I am greatful. I never want people to think I'm not. I might rant and rave sometimes but it's purely to get things off my chest and mind. I also might weird people out with my sarcasm and sense of humor no matter the type of humor. It's how I cope with a tough life and adapt to changing situations. I have had bright times and then especially this past month very dark times probably the darkest times since my Dad passed away in 2007. A few facebook friends helped me either with being kind, listening, advice and so forth. After the incident with Scott taking his life and Shaun trying to kill himself depressed about his brother several people have been kind to me which ...