KJRY with 6 flats...

This morning was another train my husband alerted me of usually he could care less about trains so surprised he even told me again. I didn't have much gas so rushed to catch it in or around town. I didn't get to it in time when it was dropping off two gondola's at hitchcock's so went to the west end of town and waited for her. I filmed her while she was still technically in the city limits of Canton then took some photo's up the tracks to the road that goes to the prison and college here west of town. The line up was Prex #1752-1761-1750 & #2003 and she was carrying 6 flats which may not be a big deal to others but i rarely see flats moving on this line so it was just something different to stand out from the same old same old. I have no idea if they're going to La Harpe or just going to be dropped off at a siding somewhere. I haven't the slightest idea. This may be the last train i film while living in my apartment I'm currently at. Af...