Galesburg...always been my go to town.

Galesburg is a pretty well known Railroad hub for the BNSF but at one time it was a happening town for both Burlington Northern and ATSF prior to the merger around 1995. Even back in the 1990's I knew how active train wise this town was. I had had encounters with Galesburg way before picking up the hobby railfanning full time. I have always had an interest in trains ever since I was a kid. Don't ask how it started I have no memory of when it started but Dad said it was around two. We moved down by the TP&W tracks in Canton about 1988 which increased interest. My mom used to take me on rides as a kid and when I seen a train I'd have her wait on it and Galesburg is no exception. Mom used to take me to Galesburg quite a bit in the 1990's when I was a kid and teenager and we'd wait on trains on purpose so i could watch trains. I never thought of filming or photographing at the time. My first railroad picture I didn't take until 2002 then started...