Oh no another Winter storm...but why?

Once again Illinois is facing another big snow storm maybe not as big as the last one but predicting enough snow to cause major headaches so oh brother here we go again is all I can say. It may be festive during the holidays if you're a person full of glee and easily amused but for anyone else it's a pain in the ass especially if you have health problems that do not need further aggrivating. It's Illinois though so this is the price you pay living this far north so I guess I need to suck it up as salty as I may be about it. The Blizzard in November was a major pain in my side and the 2011 one caused me alot of problems. I am no longer a fan of snow or winter. Sure when I was a kid in public schools it was great hoping for enough snow to cancel school, starting snowball fights at the bus stop or building snow forts so you can hide and throw snowballs at cars. Back then it was all fun and games.....stupid kid I was. Now I'm an adult that has to clear off the c...