Winter of 2018-2019 (I'm sick of it!)

As everyone in the midwest including Illinois knows the winter of 2018-2019 has been a real pain in the ass bitch. We have had it all snow, ice and very frigid cold temps some stretches with little breaks in between. In November had a blizzard which had dumped over a foot of snow with a few snow systems after that in the next month which gave little chance of the deeper snow to melt. Then onto the next few months up to March we had been blessed and I roll my eyes when I say that with more snow, an ice storm and some artic air which dropped actual air temps for highs and lows well below zero. One of the coldest lows was twenty one below zero actual temp with wind chills from thirty below to fifty below. One lucky sucker managed to hit thirty some below zero air temp. I think it was Mount Carroll or something. We recieved an ice storm in Galesburg one day and we lost power for nine straight hours which is always fun with no lights or heat. The temps latley have been up a...