Animal abusers need to face justice.

Out here in Banner Illinois recently a puppy not even a year old was neglected and abused. His name was Pup and he belonged to two suspected junkies a few doors down. They had been reported but Fulton County Animal Control ignored it as it is too much effort to investigate. These neighbors Brett and his girlfriend Amber let the dog run loose...left him out alone...yelled at him alot...kept him in a small kennel inside...suspected didnt feed him alot and suspected hitting him. Pup was a sweet but skittish dog and held his head lowered signs of abuse. A normal puppy will be happy....playful and wag its tail. He was skittish and afraid. I was working on gaining his trust to get him help. I was feeding him with help from a friend and giving him water. He was starting to get close to me and trust but soon after he was found dead along i Highway 24. The girlfriend showing little emotion said Pup was lost and she would go look for him but she didnt. I however got in my ...