Monticello Railway Museum

I need to get my mind off of other crap so i'll just make a blog on the Monticello Railway Museum.  Back on October 7, 2017  went down to Monticello after railfanning a bit in Bloomington then swinging on over to Gibson City I  head down to Monticello. Not knowing the area in Clinton grabbed a slice of pizza to eat and something to drink at a gas station then asked for directions for it since I do not know these roads at all.  I jotted down some directions but i failed to make a better note of how to get to Monticello since i focused on other areas. Silly woman.  Anyways I eventually got there but wouldn't you know it it would rain.  Some parts spent in the car to avoid getting too wet then after a while just said screw it and went walking around.  I filmed  a train there and a bunch of cabooses, cars, equipment and even a wig wag. It's a cool little place but I didn't have the luxury of good weather, or daylight left to really enjoy it or explore. I ended up soaking wet and not amused by that.  I'm sure if cars had feelings it would have appriciated my soaking wet butt driving home.  It was a matter of me being stubborn and refusing to call it quits and a  well since i'm already down here attitude. This did not set well with my tracheostomey and ended up having a  half hour coughing fit.
It was totally worth it though so what the hell ever.

The adventure didn't end there after i left  Monticello.  I ended up taking the wrong route then ended up on Route 36 and about ten miles from Tuscola I noticed i was going east not west so sort of started to panic a little like where the hell am I?  I just go ahead to Tuscola and gas up (I foolishly left the gas tank door open like hundred miles from there before noticing the mistake at a rest area off I-74....idiot) then ask for directions back to Peoria.  The lady told me  to get on  I-57 head north and should catch I-74. The thing about the gas tank door is a week or so earlier  someone else left it open and i snarked a little  about it so there I am doing it myself.  Serves me right for being a smart ass.  I was actually sort of  just worrying about  where I was instad of thinking about it.  It was a dumb move don't get me wrong and I own that but i really was concerned I was lost. My phone is a crappy little cell and my car has no GPS like these newer vehicles do so thought i was screwed.  Jan tends to panic and over react sometimes.  Again silly woman!

I get on I-57 and for quite some distance get a beautiful view of a double rainbow which made my getting lost ordeal sort of worth it. My car doesn't have good heat so driving home cold, shaking and wet sucked but the trip itself overall was worth it.  Next time though if i go here or somewhere equally as far or further I'm bribing some sucker or suckers to go with me even if i have to start paying Facebook friends. Yeah i'm a loner in real life. Haha.  That drive home was so maddening with dead silence and no one to talk too.  Another joy of my vehicle is no working radio so other than the car engiene running it's dead silence for over a hundred miles.   I started to get impatient  and go insane by the time I reached a rest area east of Peoria off I-74.  I had to stop to pee notice the  door on the tank open.  I'm like oh for pete sakes really Jan?  I take care of the bathroom business then it hits me I just want to  be home and out of these wet clothes so hurry up.  I got home around  nine or ten at night. I love long trips and travel but my god by myself it's almost  enough to drive one insane as if i wasn't crazy enough on my own. It was still enjoyable despite my foolish mistakes and probably ending up going out of my way  quite a bit.  I meant to get on Route ten and take it west  to Lincoln then go up to Havana and then up home not almost go to Mattoon and Indiana.  Again I will state....idiot!

My soaked butt and the rainbows.  I am not a happy camper in this I know.  God damn weather.

Here's what i did film:

Yes I will return here and yes I'll pay attention to what the weather is forcasted the next time.  I just don't know when that will be probably spring since i hate cold weather.  I wanted to  strike it off bucket wish list so did that.  I'm good.


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