
This needs to be said because some people don't take the hint in
the railfan community. If a woman states she isn't interested or
the best she can offer is being friends then leave it at that. This is
exactly why there isn't more female railfans or they keep it under
wraps in case of people who can't accept when someone isn't the
least bit interested.  Women are afraid to come out because of 
some members that may stalk or creep on them as if they never 
seen a woman before let alone had one. It's so creepy. I'm a laid
back railfan who isn't afraid of having my gender known although
sometimes I have to wonder if it's wise but I'm also not afraid of
people in that way i'm concerned someone's going to physically
try something. I'm very leary and cautious of people  enough to
where I can make a good feel of what a person is like or whom to 
avoid. There are a few railfans I question and will avoid if I can
help it then there are some I can be mutual or nice too because I
like and respect them for their work and knowledge.

We need more females in the hobby but we also don't need men
hitting on them and scaring them off either.  Most railfans are 
good decent people but you get those few who tend to ruin things
for everyone from either trespassing, doing stupid stuff to creeping
on the women railfans.  Boundaries must be set and when  she says
it's not happening then it's not happening plain and simple just move
on.  We are just trying to enjoy a hobby like the males do.  If you have
a crush or whatever you call it and decide to tell someone it's fine but
if he or she declines then drop it period. Do not get pushy, do not keep
telling them as if anything is going to change.  I can give a person the
credit for being brave and saying something however when you get
the awkward brush off then leave it at that. I'm not one to be mean
to people over it but keep getting pushy I'll make it an issue hence this
blog post. It's about respecting others rights and boundaries.  This is
the whole point. It isn't just about what i have seen in the past or going
through with someone now who seems infatuated. 

I handle myself well telling people off and can take care of myself but
some women might not be a tough and be scared or at the very least
a tad anxious. For their sake just don't and back off if they say no. It
will save both of you issues in the long run.  If you're a creepy stalker
though that gains an obsession then might i suggest a psychiatric 
facility.  I think I made my peace.  This isn't out in spite to hurt people
but setting boundaries for not just myself but other women railfans
in this hobby. We're not just objects and tits and ass.  We're humans
who enjoy the same hobby as you.  Respect us and we'll respect you
plain and simple!


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