Galesburg Industrial connector track movement....

Yesterday the day I turn one year closer to being ancient...oh hell already there...
I come across something on my bucket list by accident which made my day. Some
people know I recently moved up to Galesburg and have been exploring it and also
getting more adjusted to it and where everything is. I'm also starting to learn the lines
and directions of each line up here. I've also watched the yard from time to time for
various activity just to learn more about operations than other than what I normally
see down in the boon docks of Fulton County. Anyway was heading back to Henderson
Street to catch Highway 10 to go back home when i see lights coming off the Chillicothe
Sub and thought oh good I lucked out. I did too because catching something on this line 
was a bucket list activity I was going to do this week sometime but I was going to go for 
a City Job train in the evenings. I probably still will but this train was the first of anything
I have ever seen on this track in all my years of visiting Galesburg.  At one point I thought
these were abandoned since I never seen anything on them and years back they were in a 
state of repair. A friend thinks this train came from Chicago off the Chillicothe sub and they
were using this interchange to go to the yard for whatever reason.  Trains usually use the
interchange at Cameron so this was a tad odd. I thought it was too long to be a city job train
so figured it came off the main to go to the yard.  I caught the end as a train was sitting on
the Chilli sub under Main Street overpass near Academy Street area. I snapped a photo of
the transfer caboose on it.  I circle around and end up on Monmouth Bld to head home and
see the lights. I take pictures and do some filming. I also called a friend due to being confused
about it since I just thought City jobs ran on this and this was a long train.

The line up was A-B-A something you don't commonly see lead by BNSF #288-#334-and a
War Bonnet #654.  Later on when i went out i caught these locomotives in the yard and the
crew tied up and left. They're shift must have ended and they coupled to some other power
near the shop at the yard. It sat stopped over Henderson Street for a while when it was 
crossing. I had quite a laugh at some of the people turning around in the middle of the street
to avoid this. One guy in a black car I heard honked, seen he threw up his hands in his car
and turned around.  Right like honking at a train is going to make it move faster or to get it 
going.  Stupid people. It's like when I feed the geese and  you see people at the park honking
at the geese to move. It's stupid. The geese won't just move because you honk it'll make them
stop or turn around and waddle slowly back the other direction.  I'm an impatient person 
myself but not when it comes to trains or geese. I find it silly people get impatient over crap 
like this. When I get stuck at trains I enjoy it not detest it. I also have enough sense to know if
I live in a city with lots of construction or train activity if I ever need to be somewhere in time
to leave early to take in consideration for delays. It's only common sense and logic. Oh right 
this is America in today's world everyone's in a hurry....and have the me, me , me entitlement
attitude.  That being said I am really enjoying Galesburg and much happier.  The only thing
in Canton I miss is catching KJRY trains and the Geese. Oh and my Dad is buried near there.

** Correction it's the Industrial connector not interchange**.  **still learning Galesburg**

Here is the train as it leaves the Chilli sub to cross Monmouth Blvd....

Here's the train as it goes around the curve and heads off to cross Henderson Street by ADM:

Here is the end of the train and transfer Caboose that was on  stopped on the Chilli sub in
Galesburg before all of that.

Here is the locomotives in the yard switching tracks to couple to other locomotives near the
shop before the crew departs.

Video of this off Henderson Street in Galesburg:

Also it's to be noted thanks to the same friend I talked too during this I caught my
second Military Train with lots of tanks the day before. I much appriciate the heads

I also seen movement never seen in the yard before with leased locomotives and one
may have just been painted:


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