Amtrak heritage once again visits Galesburg...

Once again Amtrak Heritage 822 visits Galesburg and I happen to be around.
This is the third time I've caught it and happened to be the highlight of the day.
I parked my car and positioned myself to get a better angle. I got a wave from
the cab from someone i knew and had waved at me before. It was funny as hell.
I was less shocked this time around and manage to get out a wave.  The temps
were decent in the forties so that was nice and alot of snow melted thank god.

Amtrak Heritage 822:

Other catches today:

I also caught a BNSF Coal train on the Peoria sub and gave heads up. A friend
filmed it and  others probably seen it. I took a few snapshots of it departing Knoxville.

David Jordan's video of the same train.


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