Independence Day in Havana, Illinois

Independence Day 2020 came and to celebrate we went to watch fireworks down in Havana. We also checked out a few places while on our 70 miles trip away from Galesburg.

I checked out the now closed Havana Power Plant. The plant was shut down in 2019. Oddly enough there was Railroad Coal Hoppers sitting on the property behind a locked gate.

Also checked out the Railroad track that went to the plant and I used to cross daily to go to work at the Internet Havana Foundry from 2000 - 2001. The rails are looking rusted like they haven't been used in a while.  I also snapped pictures of the remains of old warehouses nearby both may have been served by rail at one time by with C&IM or IC.

Next are pictures of a foundry I used to work at from May 2000 til July 2001. In fact it was my very first job. It went through several Companies in the properties history. It appears to have been built in the 1960s and was the Atwood Company where it appears to have had rail service of some kind at one point. My friend pointed out something I overlooked which was an obvious Right of Way coming from the main line nearby.

If there was rail service it would have been early on like from the 60s to possibly 70s. My Dad said he helped install equipment back then. He would later be employed from 1994 to 2004 when it was another company. After Atwood it was Dana probably in the 70s or 80s. In 1994 Wagner's Casting took a hold of this place. Dad had his physical down at the Decatur plant. Around 2000 the name was changed to Internet Havana Foundry as I came to know it.

The company laid off and shut down in 2004 and my Dad a sand hog was one of the last to work in the building. Most of it was torn out including the office part and where we would enter to clock in. The taller building in the back would be built while I was there to add a second sprew line and mold line. This still remains.

Also in Havana where Hardees now is was the location of the C&IM depot where tracks ran in this area.

 The Illinois & Midland depot is also at Havana off St 136.

There was also a Coal dock for barges trains hauled coal too which was closed in 2014. I guess these tracks and the yard I&M now uses for storeage. The Caboose that sat for years is gone having been scrapped this year.

Also while here visited the river front and took pictures of the Illinois River. Then we went to park for fireworks where a full moon was in the sky.

Fireworks video:

Earlier stopped at Bushnell to snap shots of abandoned CB&Q/BN tracks. This line went to Monmouth then to Rio and was abandoned in sections over decades. This part up to Roseville was abandoned in 1980.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July. Let freedom ring..


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