Beardstown Feed Mill and railroad tracks

 Out of Service tracks and old facilities once rail served.

This was a Feed Mill. It appears it has been around since atleast 1918 and was the Schultz, Baujan & Company. In 1953 named was changed to Beardstown Mills Company when it was acquired.

In Aug 1968 the mill complex was purchased and renamed Critic Mills Inc.  In September 1981 a fire broke out and it took sticks of dynamite to blast an opening for fire fighters to put out fire.  In April 1982 an explosion occurred which one would die a month later from burns.

Operations resumed in 1988. After 1999 the company was sold to Clarkson Grain Company to Decatur.

One track is disconnected and there may still be rare rail service here by BNSF but guessing not a whole lot if so.

It doesnt appear it sees rail service anymore.


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