Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence and abuse isnt always talked about and sometimes gets swept under the rug especially in the court system of the United States. It is scary and there are many forms of it from physical to mental. I have survived both in childhood as well as adulthood. My parents had a bad marriage and often crapped on each other to me. I was heavily bullied in school and in 1993 witnessed my drunk Dad attack my Uncle and was arrested. I also rarely was bought new clothes and food was scarce at times. My 1997 suicide attempt was treated like a family embarrassment and swept under the rug instead of dealing what caused it. While my parents and I developed a better relationship later the 1980's and 1990's were rough. I should have revieved physilogical care then but it is what it is. Now 10 years later I went to mental health and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. While there I met my future husband and we married in 2008. It went well for a f...