IAIS Steam excursion and chase 5-18-19

Iowa Interstate Railroad held a excursion with their #6988 steam locomotive on Saturday, May 18, 2019. A friend was kind enough to take me since I have no vehicle at the moment. He showed me several places I have never been to before railfan wise then again I don't get over to that area anymore too often. But despite it raining alot for a few hours and severe back pain issues I was having I really enjoyed myself. This is my very first Steam experience seeing one in action with my own eyes in person so this was an epic and a very cool day. I also visited the Rock Island Railroad museum in Chillicothe, Illinois. I highly recommend it and it has some good stuff. Here's some pictures atleast the better ones I took also the videos: That morning heading out we caught a BNSF eastbound coal train on the Peoria sub leaving Knoxville: More pictures of the event from Chillicothe to Bureau Junction I...