IAIS Steam excursion and chase 5-18-19

Iowa Interstate Railroad held a excursion with their 
#6988 steam locomotive on Saturday, May 18, 2019.
A friend was kind enough to take me since I have no 
vehicle at the moment. He showed me several places 
I have never been to before railfan wise then again
I don't get over to that area anymore too often.  But
despite it raining alot for a few hours and severe back
pain issues I was having I really enjoyed myself. This is
my very first Steam experience seeing one in action with
my own eyes in person so this was an epic and a very cool
day. I also visited the Rock Island Railroad museum in
Chillicothe, Illinois. I highly recommend it and it has
some good stuff.

Here's some pictures atleast the better ones I took also
the videos:

That morning heading out we caught a BNSF eastbound
coal train on the Peoria sub leaving Knoxville:

More pictures of the event from Chillicothe to Bureau
Junction Illinois:

I will note this some railfan's really need to learn how
to drive as some would cut out in front of people, not 
bother to use their signals, slam on their breaks or drive
very slow. One van in particular with a guy with a CNW
jacket cut us off several times and wouldnt use his turn 
signal. I get being excited for a steam locomotives but the
laws of the road  and safety should be your  top priority
over  a train. It endangers other people's live as well as 
your own and it's manslaughter if you kill someone. Some
of these people drove erratic.  Either railfan with caution
or stay off they road as you're too dangerous to be driving.

I recommend the Rock Island railroad museum in the town
of Chillicothe. Lot's of cool stuff there as well as books for

Also must thank my friend David for letting me tag along.
It was also nice seeing a few other people i know there.

Here's David's videos:


  1. Probably a good luck charm to see that BNSF coal train Saturday morning. :-)

  2. I know right a sign from god. :)


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