Railfan house action April & May 2019

For two weekends two friends came from two different
states to railfan at the railfan house owned by Bob in the
city of Galesburg, Illinois. I'll start off by yesterday's one
on May 4, 2019. A friend and his friend came down from
Wisconsin to hang around and he picked me up and dropped
me off when i wanted to go home. I much appriciate it  and
it was warmer and less windy than last weekend so it was fun.
Bob was there too as well as another older railfan.

For the most part just average catches with same type of  the
same type of power. We did see some fallen flag cars from the
old railroads of Illinois Central Gulf, Grand Trunk, Conrail, &
the Chicago & Northwestern so that was cool.

In between trains tried to take pictures of birds and any

Fallen flag rail cars: (C&NW was my favorite)

Also videos:

April 26th & 27th:  (Another friend this one from Iowa came down)

That day started out cold windy and rainy so in the morning
I stayed in doors alot so not to catch pneumonia or freeze.
Despite the weather had fun and greatful. It was a slow day
rail wise but it eventually picked up some. The best catch was
a UP train westbound with a Southern Pacific Locomotive on it.
I've never seen an SP moving before so  awesome.

We also checked out the yard while out.


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