Exploration yesterday

Yesterday took a little trip to explore a few areas I was told about and a line i want to keep an eye on in the future.  I start off by visiting mom in Lewistown and was going to take her but she  wasn't feeling too good so she declined so after that I leave and go to the Peoria area.  I run acrossed a slow moving coal train south of Bartonville and north of the power plant so I pull onto the road and wait for it.  Never failing two vehicles pull up behind me.  I could have crossed the crossing since it was going slow enough to get out of the way but Nah I don't beat trains plus they could have went around.  On another note i was over as far as i could which didnt say much it still left you in the lane so pretty much made them wait on this long slow UP train.  If ever a time there was to grin and snicker this would be it.  I love when that happens.  Yeah yeah I'm evil.  People if you get behind me just be warned now i stop at crossings when trains are coming I don't care how slow they are going.   I filmed part of that train but the battery died in my camera so swapped out batteries.  After this i go up the line a mile or so and see a TZPR train waiting so i stop on Mendenhall road for them and watch them come out onto the UP main.  They  serve a facility down by the power plant so a friend told me.  This is my second time i caught them.  They pull up past me, stop, then back up so the two crew members down the line could get on the train then proceed. They had Illinois & Midland Railroad power which the company leases out between G&W companies i guess.

After Bartonville went to Peoria and heard a train horn down a ways so I go and see them pulling through town so I stop not far from a bridge to film them.  It was TZPR #1351 doing what my friend said was a transfer job for IAIS railroad.  I had hoped to see them at PMP but this was even better.   Once the train passed i had to make a decision cross the river and hope to catch TP&W somewhere or keep going to Chillicothe.  Figuring i'd have better luck catching something at Chilli I go there.  I ignored Chillicothe itself other than to stop to take a leak at Hardees then go out west of Chillicothe to catch a BNSF coming around the curve there.  They left and i went onto Edelstein to  see where the Union Pacific line was which have struck some curiosity for a while but haven't gotten around to it as well as a spot on some road I was told about.  Sure enough good location and no one bothered me so good to know.  By that point it was getting to be around 3:30pm or 4pm so i head down  route 91 (?) then take some road at Dunlap to Alta where i seen the Rock Island Trail which used to be the Rock Island Railroad.  I had a flow of tailgaters or would have turned off to look around.  I can always do that someday so no big deal.  I go to War memorial to go catch Peoria and get back on Route 24 to head home.  I seen a TP&W locomotive at Kolbe and a crew member shut off the lights and got off but i didn't linger.  I went home after that. KJRY would later come through Canton later that evening after it got dark.  Had it still been day light might have went after it but my camera is not night time friendly so didn't bother.  I could tell by the horn GP20 #2003 was leading.  I pretty much can tell the difference between the f units and that GP20 as well as sometimes i can hear BNSF trains  a few miles away down by the power plant which is my give away they are on the move.  I just don't always have the gas to go deal with it. I'm on the south side of town on the edge of town can see the power plant property from my apartment complex and   the horn carries so can sometimes hear them if paying attention.  It was a good day despite the fact of dealing with stupidity later on in the evening.


  1. That TZPR transfer was probably called "Industry 1" or "Industry 2." Looks like it switched the ADM plant on its way back from the IAIS interchange.


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