In an Amtrak sort of mood....

I was watching Amtrak videos on youtube and sort of got in the mood to chase them after i get paid up in Galesburg.  I'll look at their schedule and plan a time to linger around the amtrak station in town and if my friend is willing to go take him along and make a day of Galesburg railfanning.  I won't just go to Amtrak but look  for other trains as well and might go check out Cameron, Illinois.  Since i probably won't have any major railfanning trips for a while might as well go for an all day Galesburg trip.  Lord knows I could use a get away from stress for a day and that would cure some of it.    Hopefully this infection with my tooth eases up so don't feel like crap the entire time but whatever if so i'll just delay it until i feel well enough too.  I don't have much experience with Amtrak so whatever Amtrak trains do come along i have no idea where they are going which is why need to look at their schedule and write it down so I know what i'm looking at.  Yes, I'm still a noob I own up to this.  

I would love to go on a day I know KJRY will run west so we or I ( depending if the friend can go) can chase it to atleast Good hope or out to La Harpe where ever they make their exchange then go to Cameron then finish the rest of the day with Galesburg.  If not just go to Galesburg then later Cameron before heading back home.  I haven't decided and KJRY hasn't exactly been predictable latley then you have the flooding issues in the state that might throw them off as well as other railroads to take in consideration.   This is the plan anyway unless something comes up financially or I don't feel good.  I havent been able to railfan at all latley due to no gas in the vehicle or money to go anywhere plus been sick with a  pain in the butt tooth that decided to break partically off which will have to have pulled soon so ick.  Anyways that is the plan unless something comes up.  I almost hate to try to make a plan cause latley anything that could go wrong has so kind of trying to play it cautious and not get my hopes up.  LOL.  At the mtrak station in Galesburg, Illinois is an old Steam engiene display along with some cars and a caboose.  The museum is nearby as well and not too far away is the Railyard so if anyone wants to railfan a good area Galesburg's the too go place in West Central Illinois. <3


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