Two unexpected and accidental trains....

Today was out and about looking into the old town of Waterford down by Sepo, Illinois which is a tiny village not far from Lewistown.  I seen the Waterford Church and town hall and there is a cemetery there as well of it's name.  Down the road is an old cemetery Called Ames Cemetery but it looked like it was on private lands.  After this area figured since i wasn't far from Havana  so i'd go poke around hoping to catch a train and follow that line up to north of Manito.  By the time i reached Manito i thought it was going to be another fail as i rarely see anything on this line when i drive  passed.  Then i turn off onto Wagon seller road or whatever the name is and down the road see a  coal train with BNSF power leave the powerton yard heading south.  I take pictures at a crossing as well as off another back road then go down to Forest City and film it there.  I waited at Havana for 45 minutes but nothing so it obviously stopped somewhere on the line for whatever reason....crew change, waiting on permission to proceed whatever.  

When I get home after Havana and start to upload that video i hear a train in Canton which surprised me.  This is Friday.  I had to think really hard on what day it was because i was actually confused because they don't usually come back east on Friday's or go west at that matter.  This threw me off which was why i had to try to remember what day it was. Haha.  I film them at Rawalts but  the sun was in my eyes and turns out the camera red light wasn't on so i didn't get to film it.  I go to Breeds and managed to catch them there.  There is a nice view off the road that heads east from Breeds i made a turn around to get in view.  This time it filmed.  All I thought on the way to Breeds was Go down damn sun.  Ha.   Anyways KJRY  came up after i came home which was the second surprise train of the day.  I wasn't expecting going after them today.  I wonder if they reconize me and think God get a life.  This is my life getting away from stresses and a pest at home.  haha.  It's fun for me and relaxing and only get to do it every so often so when I can i take advantage of it.  

The Illinois River at Havana flooded the river front and the playground once again was surrounded by water. Still I have seen worst flooding there also Havana always floods so it's nothing new.  You take a leak in the river there or the Spoon River and it'll flood or atleast that's what Dad always said.  He's right ya know!


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