People's impatience with trains is hilarity at it's finest...

Probably not  worth blogging but any train i see keeps me going in 
the way of keeping going strong and bouncing from depression. lol.
Today's been a hard day  depression wise and the holiday's are usually 
tough anyway so when I heard about  a train making an eastbound run
back tonight I thought i'd check it out just to keep sane....well sane enough.

KJRY  headed back to Kolbe with 38 cars with Prex #2003 in the lead followed
by #1750-1761-1752. I estimated after being told a while back it takes four hours
to get from La Harpe to Canton a time frame to go park by the tracks  at 5th
Avenue. It was a night time run so this is the only crossing in my town that has
any significant lighting.  I see the conductor pulled up in the company vehicle 
which tipped me off it was coming. I film it at the crossing and some dude in a 
white truck behind me turned around in the middle of the road to avoid waiting
on the train.  KJRY is a shortline so they rarely have very long trains as is and I
see how long it takes to clear on my videos.  This particular one was  two minutes
so I snarked in my mind how he couldn't wait those two minutes and wondered 
what was so important you couldn't wait two minutes. Then I remembered this is
Canton so probably beer....joking there.  I just don't get why people get so impatient
over trains at crossings especially if they are shorter ones. It's not like those one
hundred car coal trains BNSF runs to the power plant sometimes. The real funny
kicker was on the other side of the train was a cop waiting on it.  I'm weird I find
irony funny at times especially if it and  glorious karma bites someone who deserves
it. I should have filmed the truck just for laughs but i did not.  Silly people. I got a 
much needed laugh at his foolishness so i guess something positive came from it.


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