Santa Train day!

The day all fans of any F unit looks forward too when Keokuk Junction Railway 
rolls out their F's and holds their annual Santa Train event.  This is going on 
their tenth year.  Other than wind, cold and some clouds it was a fun day for
not just myself but many others. Many thanks to the company and crew for 
putting all this together each year. It's pleases railfans and makes some kids
day.  I think this is my sixth or seventh year going although I missed some years
due to illness and most I just went to one or two locations and not the entire
thing.  In 2016 I started doing the whole thing.  I managed every location this 
year.  Last year missed Breeds due to getting sick and having to go change my
shirt and clean up after the coughing fit from hell that left quite the mess. 

The wind today at times left me breathless and provoked some coughing fits 
with only minor blood coughed up. Hey an improvement from last year is an
improvement I'll take it. The scarf cut back on some of the coughing since it
blocked  some gusts from hitting my airway so note to self continue using a 
scarf in the future.  Eh I can take humor in myself but man everytime i come
to Glasford I cough,bleed or vomit....second year straight.  It was the wind
that was today's culprit that and cold air.  Those fifties just couldn't last one
more week. I hope i didn't come off as rude to anyone and there's times I
could have but i wasn't feeling too good at the time so my focus was more on 
that than my surroundings. I also tried not to be grouchy due to it but man a
few times I felt like utter crap.  Enough about that this isn't about that but it
did need mentioned because that's what happened.

I actually socialized a little atleast what i could.  I had hoped to practice more
with it but the whole sickness thing kept me isolating in a few towns to avoid
grossing people out also to avoid embarrassment. I met some people in the
facebook railroad groups which was cool. They all seemed nice and there was
a good turn out people wise.  I tried to be polite and nice even when sick so
if i came off wrong at anytime it's a good bet i wasn't feeling that great. My 
apologizes if I was.  I managed all stops and was going to hang around at
Smithfield but got annoyed with the trach and  had a headache. It's all 
good. I just wish the warm weather stuck around a little longer but it is 
what it is plus it's Illinois need I say more...

I had fun and enjoyed myself alot despite it all.  The positives outweight
the negatives so any negatives is just something to poke lightly at. I hope
everyone has a great holiday.  :)


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