Grrrr people...

Why do people on local facebook sale pages jerk you around even when you
state in the ad serious replies only do not waste my time?  Either buy the product
or don't bother to respond at all.  It's not that hard. I also hate the people that try
to haggle and lower prices to nothing.  Get lost with that bull crap idiots. Oh and 
then you get the people from out of town who look in Canton groups then message
you wanting for you to drive to Peoria to sell them a  five or ten dollar item and I'm
like Noooo not going to happen.  I end up telling some of these people off in a very 
manner because i'm honestly sick of dealing with people jerking me around.  I'll be
honest this lowers my faith in humanity and  increases my dislike for people even more
to the point I'll avoid people at all costs if i have to due to anxiety levels.  This is all my
husband's idea to sell random items in the house to bring in a few bucks to get by but
I get stucking having to deal with the people, post the ads and so forth and he knows 
what my temperment is like with people and how i have zero tolerance for most people's
crap. Why? Why me?  I don't have people skills, tact or manners....

I have to  put in ads such gems as serious replies only, no holds, first come first serve
or don't waste my time due to the amount of bull shit people will put you through yet
they still do it. Hence why i said I have an increased dislike for alot of humans.  I have
already cursed out a few after losing my patience. I had a ad  removed because I said
serious replies only do not waste my time along with something sarcastic. I have never
been an approachable people person with a charming personality and I seriously lack
manners. I do not like being toyed with and I will not be shy about being annoyed with
the idiots who do toy with you.  I am a shy person and won't speak to people for the most
part but piss me off that's another story. I'm all up in your face ready for conflict when
pissed off. I'm not sure if it's how I was raised. Oh most likely my parents were not the
most outgoing social people and we didn't have friends or go out in public often enough
for me to get a feel on how to properly deal with people or how to act in public. When I
acted out I didn't get punished alot. They just let me do my thing. I got a few ass beatings
as a child for stupid stuff but once i got older  it's like  raise yourself, do what you want and
so forth. They never encouraged me to go out and make friends so alot of their behavior
rubbed off on me and i'm pretty sure it's too late for me to learn social skills. People tick
me off I lash out it's an ongoing theme in life. To be fair some of these halfwits do jerk you
to the point of frustration and you do get some no shows or people changing their mind.

I think some of  my reactions are justified but i probably could go without the profanities.
Oh well. Hopefully that teaches people not to mess with some people or jerk people around
at all. There needs to be consenquences for their actions and I'm just giving it to them but
I'm also a pretty flawed person with crappy logic so what do I know?  This is going to be a
"Does not play well with others" kind of day.  Oh the joy when you're the man of the house
and bread winner....the irony is I'm not even a man I just have to be. Life has kind of forced
me into such a role where it's a two gender job. I'm not gay nor am I transgender but I find
myself having to be the man sometimes more often than not more than I have to be a woman.
I do not like this. I do not like having to be in a position I'm both.  What happened to the days
men were men and women were women but here I am as both. I just lack a penis and a set
of testicles....actually compared to someone I actually have more than them and I don't even
have those genitalia. The cards life has dealt and my stupid decision to get married. I know
this much highly doubtful will ever marry again if this or whenever this thing sinks.....

Pfffft whatever to this day already!
The goose picture represents my temperment. This goose got angry with another goose and nipped at it and it's how i feel i wish I could just do to people. Okay maybe not nip them but give them an angry charge and chase them around like the geese do. It looks fun and good 
anger management.                                                                                                                              


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