WB KJRY & a BNSF Coal with Cream and green....

Yesterday May 8, 2018 I was running errands when heard KJRY in town.
When I get out of the store I get on the Cuba Black top and around the Wee 
Ma Tuk road.  Since I'm tired of the same old spots I head onto Cuba to throw
in some gas and grab a drink then go off Grant Road between Cuba and Smithfield
and take pictures there. I film it with my phone at Smithfield, snap a few pictures
at Seville then go to the location which was my motivation to chase it. I go to this
bridge on Marietta Road and film it as it passed under. Prex #2040-2003 ( two Gp20's)
lead the train which was a very short one and could get the entire train in one shot 
if you snap at the right angle. I tru to do a live stream on Facebook at New Philidelphia
but failed and also failed south of Bushnell. I didn't kow how to find it til Mike a friend
on Facebook informed me how. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore since i got my 
face in my attempt to live stream the geese. The wind blew my hair around looked like
a sea hag...oh wait I am a creature of the deep so...(Joking).

Before I film KJRY in Bushnell crossing the diamond a BNSF Coal train headed south
 and it had a cream and green on her. I film it then film KJRY crossing the diamond then
depart on my way south to head to Route 136 to go to Havana. I catch the coal train again
at Adair and a railfan on a bike was there ( some man). I wish i introduced myself but as
always shyed away and didn't stick around long. I was wanting to film from above at a
bridge in Vermont, Illinois but they had the bridge torn up and doing construction so I 
went back to the highway crossing and film it by my phone on there. After that I go to
Havana then home.



BNSF Coal train in Adair, Illinois:

BNSF Coal train passing another BNSF train it too had a Cream and Green in
Vermont, Illinois and Railroad signal:

Westbound Keokuk Junction Railway ( Prex #2040-2003, GP20's) between Cuba and
Smithfield, Illinois in rural country:

KJRY Crossing the Spoon River at Seville, Illinois:

KJRY line under Marietta road bridge:

I wasn't expecting to railfan that day but never know where the day will take you
sometimes. I need some fun and to de-stress anyway so it was a blessing.


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