Looking like it's going to be a KJRY next few weeks...(Maybe)

My railfanning  will be brought to a hault for a few weeks  due to the Power Steering line on my car giving out and I cannot steer it due to not being strong enough ( joys of being a female I suppose...relax sarcasm even if it was true i couldn't make turns to save my soul and had to have help).  Anyways this had to happen in the parking lot of OSF parking deck at the hospital.  I couldn't steer it so brother n law takes over. Anyways he drives it out to a parking lot and takes a look and discovers the issue.  So now had to spend my last  bucks on the part and some tools to fix it so waiting on that from Amazon.  He is suppose to do work for his cousin to earn a few bucks here and there so hopefully this set back doesnt hurt us too bad.  It ticked me off though because the things I enjoy doing to get away from it all have to put on hold a while.  Who cares I'll live it's not like i'll die by not railfanning but explaining any sudden quietness I might have. 

After my brother n law does fix it and it runs  fine the most likely outcome of me getting to photograph any train will be the local  KJRY short line that comes by due to lack of gas or maybe BNSF down at Dunfermline if i do get a heads up in time of it.  Other than that don't see myself being too active in the way of doing what I enjoy.  Other words it's going to be one of those What the blank time frames.  I'm not happy about it infact in a rather bad mood about it. Oh joy!  I'll live and I'll get over it but it's rather frustrating.  I love KJRY so it's not like I won't enjoy it when i do get to see them.  Their F units and the paint scheme is my favorite in this area.  My other favorite Railroads would be BNSF and CN so maybe can chase them at a later date down the road. Keeping fingers crossed anyways.


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