Watch your speed and be mindful of wildlife....

While out at Lakeland  wondering if the geese had laid eggs yet or young which they didn't we came acrossed a turtle crossing the road.  Judging by the size probably a young adult since i've seen bigger painted turtles than that one.  So we see this turtle in the road and pull over so I can get out and move it to the other side getting it acrossed when a truck comes around the curve almost hitting it  he seen it just in time to swurve and stop but the way he came around.  He could have easily  hit it.  I'm only making a deal out of it to bring awareness to watching your speed especially in parks like these with wildlife and people who cross the roads frequently.  They have speed limit signs posted.  This is the beginning of the season you really want to start watching out for wildlife.  Alot of species will be laying and hatching eggs or giving birth so they will be having their young out and about soon.  I know people will think it's just a turtle.  I know I know but I will go out of my way to get one out of the road if i see one because Dad doing it himself taught me it was the right thing to do.  Turtles are slow moving so it would take a while for it to get acrossed plenty of time for some careless driver not paying attention to come about.  I'm glad this driver seen it in time but it could have ended different if someone  really reckless came along.

This blog is just bringing awareness to it....slow down.   Always keep your eye on the road and side of the road for people or animals that might start crossing with little notice.  This just happened to be a park there is so many species that tend to waddle, fly or slowly cross the road.  We have geese,ducks, gulls, turtles,snakes and many more out here and I ever have seen Deer out on the main road outside of the park as well as rabbits.  I usually don't make these kind of posts but it does need to be said and brought up as a reminder.  People should watch out all times of the year not just spring and the birthing season.  I know sometimes it's unavoidable as animals can dart out without notice from behind   things and there is little you can do.  I just advise drive cautious as you can and drive the speed limit especially in parks or towns where the likely hood of something darting out is higher.  Be careful out there and drive safe!  :)


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