Abandoned Railroad photograph collection

When I'm not railfanning or looking for old locations of area coal mines I sometimes  snap photographs of old abandoned Railroad tracks and some in bad shape or rarely used.  So here is the collection I have.

1). Morton, Illinois ( Old AT&SF line that ran from Pekin to here then further.  Line abandoned in the early to mid 1980's.  A portion still remains and owned by TP&W  but a good portion is gone).

2). Alley Tracks, Peoria, Illinois.  Abandoned and ceased activity in the 1980's the alley tracks in Peoria was once operated by CB&Q then Burlington Northern.

3).  Astoria, Illinois.   The CB&Q later BN had tracks around the Astoria area.  The original CB&Q mainline to Beardstown went to just on the southside of Astoria then to the South to Astoria going to Bader, Browning then on to Galesburg. Most of the line was abandoned in the 1960's and the current mainline to Beardstown to the west took over. There was a spur off this that went to a mine southeast of Summon and tracks were at this FS ( current) facility in Astoria.  I have no idea the history.  Formmer depot area maybe.  Word is the residents of Astoria didn't like the noise trains brought and they had to move the mainline to the south.  I don't know what it is with Astoria but for a long time they had issue with booze too and was a dry town.  No idea nor do I care if it still is or not. 

4). Banner, Illinois:   Proposed line.  All that remains is a sign to mark the sight of a proposed line that could have been built here had it not been for financial problems with whomever wanted to built it.  It would later be built but further east and another name.

5)  Bartonville, Illinois.  I do not know much about this at all or when it ceased activity but there is a spur that seems abandoned not far from Keystone and the facilities around there.

6)  Beardstown, Illinois.  Old CB&Q maybe BN  round house.  No idea when they ceased activity and stopped using it but i heard it can be rented out for parties, ect now.

7).  Brereton, Illinois:  Old CB&Q/BN/BNSF line that has been recently removed in 2017.  The last known train was 1999. There used to be a mine here with tracks serving it which the town sprang up around around the turn of the 20th century.

8).  Browning, Illinois.   The old depot here sat off the old CB&Q line which went to Beardstown.  The line was abandoned in the 1960's.

9). Bryant, Illinois.  The Fulton County Interurban Railway which operated from like 1903 up until 1928. It couldnt compete with the automobile or CB&Q passenger service.  The line ran from Farmington, Fairview to Canton down to Lewistown. The only thing I know that still exists is an old depot in Bryant, Illinois next to the current BNSF line off Route 100.     

10).  Canton, Illinois.  The old CB&Q/BN/BNSF line ran from north to south.  The last known train was in 1999.  The line from Canton to Farmington stretch was torn out in 2017.         

11). Davenport, Iowa area:  I do not have a clue about anything on these tracks.  They look abandoned or rarely used.  I thought they were interesting.

12).  Farmington, Illinois.  CB&Q/BN/BNSF tracks. Line was removed in 2017 and last known train maybe 2003 at the latest.  They stored Autorack cars around Yates City and Farmington for a few years.

13).   Fulton County Narrow Gauge later CB&Q and a final stretch from Lewitown to Fairview was Burlington Northern until abandonment in 1977.  The remainder of the line was abandoned and torn out  around 1935 having been taken over by CB&Q  from Fulton County Narrow Gauge around 1905. FCNG built and started operations in 1880 from Galesburg to West Havana. It hauled both freight and Passenger.  West Havana was the terminal. The pictures are local right of way in various areas in Fulton County.

14).  Fiatt, Illinois.   The CB&Q at Fiatt started out as the Fulton County Narrow Gauge in 1880 and CB&Q took over after 1905 and upgraded it to standard gauge.  This line served coal mines  and was abandoned in 1977 by Burlington Northern.  As you know  CB&Q merged with BN in 1970. No idea how often this line was used in the 1970's since coal mines were shut down or starting to shut down.  The crossbuck and right of way can be found around Fiatt.

15).   Havana, Illinois.  Illinois Central used to run from Havana down to Lincoln and even had a depot in Havana.  It was abandoned about 1980 and torn out around that time or in the 1980's sometime.

16)  Kellar Branch, Peoria, Illinois.  This is a very interesting  line which sparked debate for many years.  The silly city of Peoria fought for years with Pioneer Rail corp over this line and for the most part won out and built some dumb trail as if Peoria doesn't have enough places to walk but yeah whatever I guess.  Alot of the line was abandoned and torn out.  A trail was built and only a short section remains where Pioneer had plans to store cars.  The have a locomotive off Pioneer Parkway sitting.  I'm assuming used once in a while.

17).  Lewistown, Illinois.   CB&Q later BN  section.  This section branched off the main and went up to Fairview to serve area coal mines after CB&Q abandoned the majority of the line from Galesburg to West Havana.   This section was abandoned by BN in 1977 and this once crossed route 100 in Lewistown.  You can see the bed in someones yard who has a shed on top of it.

18).   Liverpool, Illinois and it's two railroads.  Liverpool, Illinois is a very small town in Fulton County which not many know at one time had two railroads that led to two barge docks to load coal they delivered from coal mines in the county.  One was to the north the United Electric line that traveled seven miles from Buckheart mine alone Buckheart Creek to the dock here.  This line is hard to tell when abandoned.  It may have been in the 1960's but the locomotive that served here was sold from UE in 1972 so I'm not sure. It was built around 1937 I do know that much.  I heard tracks were still in place in the 1970's but again not entirely sure.  The other line I am more certain of which CB&Q later BN that  hauled coal to the south of Liverpool to a dock from area mines one of which was at Fiatt and probably Saint David.  This line was put up for abandonment in 1983 by BN.  I've been told prior the tracks were in terrible shape probably like the UE's line was.  Shocker....not.  Also there was a derailment along this one in the 1970's and they left the cars sitting off to the side for a time.  That's the spirit just shit in your own nest.  I'm just joking there don't mind the silliness.  I imagine by that point it was seldom used and in 1978 the track speed restriction was 5 mph.  This crossed Route 24 west of Little America west of Little Sister's farm.  The ROW is very viseable off Route 24.

19).   Mackinaw, Illinois.  The Illinois Terminal Railroad once  came through here even having a depot.  It was abandoned and torn out by the 1980's and a train derailment over the river helped towards the abandonment plus the line wasn't too profitable anymore.  I don't know much on it's history or the depot.

20).   Mapleton, Illinois.  Another spur don't know much about other than TP&W most likely served it.  I'm not 100 percent sure  nor am i sure of what company or how long it served.  It leads into the old Superior building at Mapleton.  I first discovered it in 2001 as I briefly worked there and we'd sit out back on smoke break where the tracks in back went to some old loading dock.  I didn't think too much about it at the time.

21).  Macomb, Illinois.   I'm not 100 percent certain on this but it CB&Q used to serve this facility but Macomb & Western Railway once came in this exact area to where it  went onto the mainline. It used to be further into Macomb but was forced to move due to lawsuits.  That Railway had alot of problems and was short lived.  It went from Macomb down to Littleton. It was gone by the 1940's I think.

22).   Victoria & Wataga, Illinois.   There was the G&GE Railroad that served farmers and a coal mine near Victoria at Etherly.  It had problems from the start but managed to survive until 1960.
There is an old depot & crossbuck at Victoria. It is an antique shop the last time I was there.  IN Wataga runs some tracks that may have been G&GE row at one time.  It goes to the FS facility there and looks like it hasn't been used in many years.

23).  Virginia, Illinois.  I do not know alot about this but down in a town east of Beardstown lies a town of Virginia which has a depot ( now resturant) and the old Railroad bed can be seen.  It was of the  B&O Railroad.  Virginia also has another abandoned railroad not pictured the former CP&STL.  That line went to Chandlerville and Bath. I might have the name wrong i'll correct it if so. brain fart moment probably.

24).  Yates City, Illinois.  South of the mainline that is active lies the old CB&Q/BN branch that went to Canton and south.  They used the tracks for storeage as late as 2003 to my knowledge but hasn't seen a train in many years.  The line from Farmington to Canton was torn out in 2017.

25).  East of Dunfermline, Illinois.   The United Electric Coal Company Railroad had tracks east of Dunfermline that served the Buckheart mine then hauled coal to a barge dock at Liverpool.   This is what's left i know of as well as a row at Liverpool.

26).  Peoria, Illinois tracks near Darst Street:  I think it was said it was P&PU tracks at one time but not sure or when they stopped using them.

27)  It wouldn't be complete if Rock Island Railroad didn't get a mention.  This railroad has a long history of financial problems and bankruptcies. It finally went under  sadly for good in 1980.  IN Peoria  there at the time being is a Turn table where the yard used to be off Morton Street and  their old depot in a brick building.  I was told it was a depot it looks like an old office building. haha.  The yard was removed in the early 1980's.  The remaining line and the line that goes by the depot is now operated by the Iowa Interstate Railroad, a class II railroad that stretched quite a ways back to Iowa and goes towards Chicago with a branch down to Peoria.

28).   Tremont, Illinois.  Off Route 9 near Tremont lies an old Railroad bridge that crossed the Mackinaw River (?)....looks more like a creek than a river but okay whatever. LOL.   This was the Peoria & Eastern Railway and i think Penn Central and Conrail at one time too. I'm not sure on that just seen the names listed on maps.  Anyways the line ceased operation by the 1980's i think.

29).  Near Bartonville & Peoria, Illinois:  M&STL ( C&NW after 1960, UP after 1995).  Line has a history that goes back to the days it used to be Iowa Central before M&STL.  in 1960 due to financial issues M&STL merged with C&NW who would later have their own financial problems.
This area was railbanked for many years due to plans for a dump to have rail service around Fairview but it didn't pan out.  UP abandoned the line in 2008 and tore it out in  early 2010.

30).  Farmington, Illinois:  Former Iowa Central RR ( later M&STL then after 1960 C&NW). This line served quite a few coal mines the last being around Trivoli and Middle Grove closing in the 1980's.  The line back to Iowa started abandoning sections in the 1970's but from Middle Grove to Peoria C&NW kept it open until  the  trivoli mine closed in 1984 and Middle Grove in 1986.  It was railbanked after that after talks of a dump needing rail service was going to be built at Fairview. It never panned out and the dump that was built there didn't last.  C&NW merged with Union Pacific in 1995 and UP abandoned the remaining line from Peoria to MIddle Grove in 2008 tearing out the tracks in 2010.

31).  Keithsburg, Illinois.  In Northwestern Illinois lies an old bridge that once belonged to M&STL/ C&NW. It crossed the Mississippi River to Iowa.  Traces of the ROW can be found in the area but the bridge is the main attraction here.  It was abandoned in the 1970's when I assume the last train ran.  Later in the late 1970's or early 1980's the bridge caught on fire due to fireworks and burned a portion of it hence why a chunk remains missing from it.

32).  Norris, Illinois:  A town situated on the old CB&Q/BN/BNSF line off route 78 north of Canton.  The line was torn out in 2017 but the trestles remain thankfully.  

33).  Norris, Illinois:  The CB&Q had a spur branch off the mainline down to a coal mine west of Norris, Illinois. The mine used an Electric locomotive to move cars around but both CB&Q and I think C&NW served the mine.  For a time C&NW had an agreement to use the CB&W/BN line. The mine shut down in 1980.

34).  Rushville, Illinois.   The CB&Q later BN had a stub branch that stretched down to Rushville. What businesses it all served beats me.  It had a turn table here by what i've been told.  It was abandoned in 1980.  A small section at Vermont  is intact BNSF uses to store cars and track equipment.

35). Galesburg, Illinois:  Not sure on the status of this line but some of it looks like it doesn't get used very much so not sure if it's abandoned.  I base it's lack of use of all the factories and warehouses that have closed in the past decade or so. I have never seen a train on it past Henderson Street.  No doubts it belongs to BNSF.  I'm not sure but I wonder if this went to Butler  manufacturing.


  1. BloggerGirl the turntable is set to be removed get the photos while you can

  2. BloggerGirl the turntable is set to be removed get your photos before it's gone for good

  3. I really appreciate your support on this.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    I’m happy to answer your questions, if you have any.


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