In the spirit of keeping cool....

In this muggy heat  alot of us do our best to stay cool as well as keep dehydrated.  I for one am no exception just about anyone is guilty of staying in shaded places, drinking lots of water, staying in front of a fan or in the AC whenever they can and even using a water hose at times to beat the heat.  We've all been there.  This is by no means wishing for winter because good god who wants to shovel snow or scrape off ice off a vehicles let alone slip and fall on your butt like I'm prone to do from time to time due to impatience and not taking my time.  Good thing i got padding back there to protect my butt from falls as well as keep myself warm.  Joking a side my friend was down from the heat a little bit so wanted to cheer him up with not only railroad pictures but the ones with a more wintery setting which makes you think cool and maybe get  the mind off the heat.  I plan on more winter shots in the future but the past few years the winter's have been  drier and warmer than it used to be and this past winter hardly had any snow for an exception of a few times. I for one am not complaining I don't like  scraping ice on the car or letting the car warm up a few minutes before going anywhere but we've all adapted living here so we just suck it up and deal with it when we have too.  I think snow is beautiful but after New Years i'm ready for spring.  Snow only serves a purpose on  and around Christmas with all the lights and the holiday makes it a festive scene.  Driving in it can be a pain especially with idiots on the road that do not know how to manuver a vehicle when you slide.  People tend to panic instead of staying calm but whatever this isn't about them.  This is about keeping  the thought in mind to beat the heat as well as I want to relive these encounters a little because it was beautiful.  I do give old man winter that belligerent as he may be.


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