Train watching June 4, 2017

I was looking at Google earth maps  yesterday morning on where is areas I have yet to railfan with easy access areas with places to get the vehicle off the side of the road so not having my rear end out there.  I stated a while back on some group I haven't tried Williamsfield when someone was asking for locations but i looked it up on the map and gave a few suggestions. The day arrived where I went to investigate those spots myself.  One turned out to be an ideal spot no one around to bother you, a place to properly park and a decent distance from the track.  The other place in Williamsfield I wouldn't recommend.  Anyways I start off going up to Monica first since it looked like it had an area perfect which turned out it did.  I got my vehicle off the road and it was a safe distance plus at a crossing which is even better.   I catch a BNSF train there but decide to go  look into Laura.  It was so hot i just wanted to get the car moving and some air flowing for a breeze to be honest.  In Laura found a spot near a Grain elevator and film one but  there was alot of trees so for some it's not ideal but for me it's breaks up the scenery of filming out in the open so I don't really care.  I didn't linger I left to go investigate Williamsfield plus to get mmore air flow going to cool off a bit.

In Williamsfield I come acrossed an area in the town as a train come up.  I filmed it but left due to it possibly being a private area.  I didn't linger but for 3 or 4 minutes.  Time to film that train, take a drink from my Coke and turned around and left.  I went west of Williamsfield to a crossing i previously eyed up off Google Earth and sure enough it was a perfect spot.  I stay there long enough to film a few trains and photograph one.  I leave for Galesburg after that.  I crossed over the bridge over the yard but didn't see anything was too interested in.  I was pressed on time anyway due to it approaching evening plus enjoying the air generated from a moving vehicle to stop.  That I admit was a lazy moment.  Well more of a I am hot and want to cool off some more moment than anything.  Otherwise I would have.   I go up the road and catch a BNSF train as well as  BNSF having a crew change with CN power.  I didn't film or photograph that but i did the train when they left and headed west.  Afterwards I go by Amtrak and catch another BNSF train followed  shortly by an Amtrak one.  I seen people on the platform at Amtrak so figured one was nearby and sure enough one comes into the Station.  After that I go stalk a BNSF Autorack train which I haven't filmed an Autorack in sometime so thought great.  I find an ideal spot to park but it looked like it might be there for a while.  I check facebook on my phone and notice a friend mentioned in a Galesburg group of a BNSF train coming up from Vermont, Illinois with 2 War Bonnets and 4  freshly painted BNSF units so I abandon the Autorack for something more promising.  I was not disappointed.  I catch it at Prarie City and film it there and try to catch up with it to take photographs by getting a distance ahead of it but failed due to some slow driver making it hard to pass with other traffic so  whatever I filmed it atleast.  I thought the highlight of this day was going to be when near Williamsfield I catch a UP train and a BNSF train pass one another.  One going one way the other the other direction which was fun plus the wind from it provided a much needed relief.  The War Bonnets train was the icing of the cake and became the highlight.  My exact thoughts was when I seen that heads up was.....OOOOH even better!


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