Calling out Canton politicians....really another food joint?

I just got word of a rumor about a potential Jimmy John's being
built in the small community of Canton, Illinois. Canton is a town
with a lot of fast food joints, and taverns so this is really  what we
do not need. First off they're low paying jobs  and jobs not meant
to make a career out of but people are forced because there are  little
options unless you want to drive a long ways. Second why is the only
business this town ever attracts is something to stuff your face?  So
they want to keep people here by making them fat?  Is that their logic?
Let's fatten all them people up so they can't waddle away to other 
towns? Is that their logic? They might not believe this but there are
people out there who could careless about dining at a fast food joint.
We want other things for entertainment besides stuffing the hole in 
our faces.  It's also to be noted we already have a subway and let's 
not forget the burger joints. We don't need another sandwich joint.

Further more if you're goal is to expand a town  and grow it you might
want to attract jobs that pay decent and maybe bring some manufacturing
back which might attract more plus more railroad activity. In the long
run it could start a chain reaction where one  facility attracts others and
more jobs.  People could  find employment with something that could
provide better for their families than some fast food joint or department
store. It could also put Canton on the map for something positive for a 
change instead of a laughing stock. Does Canton really want known as
that town with nothing but fast food joints and a boring do nothing
community? This town right now has nothing worth visiting so if you're
an outsider you can eat out at any other town so these places do not make
Canton special or stand out in the slightest.  Why oh why must they continue
thinking food is the best way to make this town prosper?  Sure it makes some
money from people too lazy or tired to cook but it won't attract much other
business potential other than maybe another fast food joint. It will not draw
in much needed better paying jobs or manufacturing. It will not put Canton
on the map other than maybe  people living in  surrounding towns within the
Fulton County area. Why do they not try for something better?  A foundry?
Packaging company? Warehouse?  Something that might provide a little better
as well as provide longer term jobs for area residents who strive for something
better than flipping burgers or working at Walmart.  Another thing with a 
foundry it could put Canton back on the map as a manufacturing town like it
once was and it could attract others providing if Canton and it's silly politicians
don't scare them away by trying to tax them into the ground. I remember at
one time Excel  or something wanted to build here but Canton tried to milk
a lot of money so they declined.

These politicians need to remove their heads from their asses and stop thinking
about the almighty dollar and think of what's better for your community in the
long run and not the short term. Do they want to make Canton grow? Do they
want to attract more here that could lead to more money and a name for Canton?
For the past few decades the case seems to be a big fat NO. This new Mayor Kent
it's too soon to tell how he's going to do but hopefully he isn't all about making or
pocketing money making his ass rich while the citizens in town remain poor. There
are more poor people in Canton than rich so what does that tell you about the town
and economy here?  There's nothing here to get people out of poverty and when you
have crappy transportation driving fifty miles fora job is not possible and very 
unrealistic. People stay in Canton because they're too poor to leave.  It costs alot to
move so people find themselves trapped and Canton and it's politicians know this so
they try to keep it like that so they themselves can prosper as well as keep potential
customers here. It's the lazy way to keep an economy going by preying on the poor
instead of trying to put work in attracting bigger and better things for this town.
This is just my opinion and how it comes off from my point of view. The politicians
need to be called out on for keeping this town in a rut. They need to start doing 
instead of just saying they will just to get votes for re-election or elected. To our
new mayor I hope you don't have your hands in the cookie jar like previous mayors
or don't turn a blind eye to your community.  I also hope you actually try for this
town and look at things for the long term and not short. You can be the one to break
Canton from the chains that hold's it back from ever becoming anything more than
a joke. Do and not just say things.  Action is the key to making Canton expand....


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