Die Hard Canton fanatics...

I love how every time some new fast food joint wants to come to town
people swoon all over it like it will be a huge economic boost to Canton
and act like it's this great big deal. Okay yes it will add a few jobs maybe
twenty but you have a town of 15,000 so it's basically nothing in comparison.
I don't really care that a fast food joint wants to come here because I'm not
going to go to it so whatever but the issue I do have is no one seems to want
to bring manufacturing or some better paying gigs to this town.  People hate
the idea of Coal mines being reopened any where in this county. No one wants
factories built here or anything that might provide more variety to people who
want better work that just some customer service retail job or a fast food joint.
If you want a job like this you have to drive thirty or more miles to even start 
running into all of that. When I didn't have alot of health issues and was working
Foundries and warehouses sometimes got sick of having to drive so far especially
in the winter when the weather was far from pleasant then the deer at night you
had to watch out for constantly.  Why can't people even see there is potential here?
Oh right they want to keep this town small and a backwards town.

I have news for you people the mom and pop shop days are over so why are
people so against expansion and growth? When I say growth I mean something
besides some fast food type joint we already have. We already have a Subway
I don't go too so let's just add in another sub place I won't go too. I'm not 100
percent against this by the way I just wish we'd attract some other joints besides
food for something to do in this town.  At least they'll put in a movie theater back
where the old one was. I might go to that also to relive memories of going to it in
the 1990's.  Why not a different variety type mall, a hobby shop, museums of
something different on top of attracting an industry back in?  That is what I mean,
To those against  bringing industry back in why are you so against it? Would other
people's lives really effect yours? The noise? Get over yourselves.  This town should
be something more than a laughing stock for a change. We're known for being boring
or if someone does something stupid. The only time we make the news is if something
terrible like a disaster strikes, an idiot does something stupid and what not. We're not
really known for much outside the area for people to want to drive here and dump money
into the economy and visit. They can find the same stuff in other towns. Why can't 
people get what I'm saying.  Oh well sigh I guess atleast i ticked a few off for my opinion
and probably continue to do so because i don't agree with them and vise versa.  


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