Coal train movement on the Yates City sub...

This morning a friend tipped me off on a possible coal train heading
up the Yates City Sub from Vermont. I thought i was going to miss it 
and was slightly annoyed because someone took off with the car and 
I didn't know how long they were going to be gone. It's no  big deal
but when you're in a rut in Canton bored it's kind of an "Oh man"
sign thing but whatever. I keep missing KJRY which has also caused
some frustration either i'm going deaf or the wind isn't carrying  the
distant  sounds of a horn my way which is my tip off of them making
a west run other wise I have no idea if a train has passed or not or is
going too. What frustrates me is just the fact Canton doesn't have any
very active rail lies anymore for us railfans. KJRY is like a once or twice
a week thing and we're greatful to see them...Okay I am. I'm the only 
railfan in this town still living that I know of. Pioneer and KJ saved our
town from being a totally rail free city like some other towns. My hats off
to them and gratitude but man sometimes I just want something to look 
forward too and it's hard to know what days too look for anything when you 
do not know when they'll roll here. Oh well.  My trying to explain stuff sucks
since i am not known for tact or wording things as well as others so whatever.

I drive down a little ways thinking I probably missed it when I see  ditchlights
down the track to the west of Bryant so I turn off and sit at my usual spot in 
Bryant to catch them. I like that area by the water tower behind the old
Interurban depot what can I say. I take pictures here and off Hooty Road to
the east as I wanted to film at Saint David for a change. My last BNSF Yates
City sub video was in Bryant so switched over to another town for the filming
to mix it up a bit.  I film half of it but the cold weather drained my battery quick
so only nail half. I switch batteries and take a few  pictures before going home.
I appriciate any heads off if I give them and would do the same if I know of any
and or people interested in  them. The temps were hovering around 19 or 20
degrees so fingers were getting numb and my feet were  freezing. The rest of
my body is well padded so even without a coat I'm going to be the last sucker
to get hyperthermia or frost bite also I know  when to go warm up in the car.
I might be stupid enough to go without a coat but not too dumb to know when to
come out of it and warm up in the car.  Coffee this morning gave me a boost also
and my cold has started to tapper off so felt good enough to get out in this frozen
wintery icebox hell.  I'll probably regret it with a return of the cold and cough. 
It's worth it there isn't much to do in this area when you're broke plus some of
us have zero desires to go to taverns to drink or even go shopping for random crap
like other people do. The geese are away thanks to old man winter.  The past few years
they stayed around but not this year. I wonder why....oh right lake's are frozen over
and they got to go elsewhere for food. Bad winter is bad. Alaska isn't even having it 
as rough this winter. I guess it still could be worse....

On another note up in Canton that rail car on the siding at Hitchcock's is gone.
Dismantled already?  Not  even a trace on the property that I seen.  Hmmm...


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