Railfanning on the 7th

Okay yesterday was uneventful train wise with only  3 moving trains. It was quite dead literally tumbleweeds blowing by.  Joking a side it was quiet. I was hoping CN would make an apperance but nope. It's been months since I seen one. I wish i knew what time frame of the day they show up. I could have filmed IAIS but neded to get to Havana and keep up with family tradition which seems more important.  Anyways a friend and I started out going by Kolbe and no such luck no KJRY or TP&W.  We go to  Wagon Seller road and see a BNSF sitting there.  Yawn. No lights or anything so it wasn't going to move for a while. Then we go to South Pekin and see a Union Pacific train next to where the C&NW's yard used to be. Oh boy action lights on and engiene idling.  We wait a while but it starts heading south. It never fails cars would cross without looking and flashers was on for one truack. A little kid also ran across the tracks in front of a train. Atleast it was going slow. We film it. It looked like it had Ballast cars and not sure what kind of equipment the blue one was.  Track equipment? Or equipment for ballast or ties?  I'm not sure. I never seen the blue thing before. I was so glad to see a train running and finally caught one at South Pekin.

We go to Wesley Road and watch TZPR with two switchers go by in the back ground. We then go to Washington Street and watch a TZPR #1520 switcher switch tracks. I showed my friend TP&W yard but no activity. I showed him a good spot on Farmdale road.  After that we go look for trains and wait a while near Bridge Junction. The bridge was up for along time for barges.  We were waiting on a IAIS train expected to leave in an hour.  It was getting late and I wanted to go to Havana for the family tradition of going there every year. I've been going this for almost twenty years. Dad started this. I want to keep his memory alive which is why I do this.  I took my friend back to his vehicle parked in our parking lot at the apartment.  I leave and go to Havana and watch the fireworks. Decent show for what happened and a better finale than some of them. Canton's was better. It's not about how good it is. It's about keeping Dad's tradition going. I only missed two. One Dad took us to Pekin stadium in 1999 where fireworks accident occured. Then Shaun and I stayed home one year.  The day was fun. I love to drive but traffic through Havana after was a pain then again it always has been even when Dad was alive and driving. Anyways this is the railfanning trip. Other than UP & TZPR the day didn't pan out train activity wise. Oh well better luck next time.  :)


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