Why do the general public fear curiosity and knowledge? ( NASA)

Nasa is sending a space craft to study the storm that has been spiraling on Jupiter for centuries if not longer yet I keep seeing people making various comments about how it's waste of time and resources should be used elsewhere. My father had a fascination with space and even me to an extent atleast with the planets and galaxy.  Humans are curious creaures wanting to learn about everything even outside the atmosphere into space atleast some people do. A good chunk of people could careless and mock Nasa's exploration efforts despite the fact it could one day help humanity if something should happen to this planet and the conditions deteorate making it almost inhabitable or we had to build facilities and vacate to a planet like Mars. Even though it might be a long shot knowledge and exploration now could potentially help humanity in the future yet many are so dead set against this.

The common complaint I see is funding could be used to feed the homeless and shelter them.  If this is such a concern for people why are they not coming together to raise fund for these people through kick start crowd funding or fund raisers.  How come many of these people complain about it yet do absolutley nothing about it.  It's just a reason to complain due to their unwillingness to learn and explore. What is useless to them and the bubble they live in is not useless to some. Unlike many some people want to learn or even get a more detailed idea of the conditions and weather on other planets in case our planet becomes one of those with a more harsher hostile enviroment.  You never know what a hundred years lies, a thousand years or a billion years.  You just do not know.  We have the knowledge and capability to escape or adapt by learning from other planets so not to face the brink of extinction.  Yet people do not care and do not think ahead.  If people are so worried about the hungry then get off your butts and do something about it instead of expecting the government to give free handouts left and right. Sure they could do more to help in alot of cases but there are some who abuse it for others by taking advantage of this.  Also there is also homeless shelters, food banks and pantries and some orginizations will help or atleast give you a hot meal. It's not like resources are not there at all.  People could also open their own shelters up and raise money but oh no let's complain about Nasa using money to better humanity with knowledge.  It's a known fact alot of people are sheep who go along with the crowd or do not want to think outside the box or for themselves.  They live in this bubble where they are blinded from wanting to learn and focused on the now instead of what the future could have in store. This is how I view space exploration.  People have no idea how screwed we would be if we didn't learn or expand.

Some people use religion as a tool to go against science and religion gets alot of blame but the truth be told it's the individual people who don't want to expand or learn.  People can choose to believe in whatever they want to believe instead of going along with a crowd of people and they can also think for themselves yet still have faith without being deadset against expansion or learning.  In reality religion itself isn't the problem people are.  They choose what to believe and any action they choose to take or not to take.  So blaming religion or even politics is just another excuse to hide behind the fact they either have a fear of learning or the unknown or they want to live in denial and ignore any potential dangers or even things they have yet to comprehend in their brains.  I'm not an idiot and I know things including earth will not last forever.  There are many things that could happen to Earth such as being struck by a catastrophic asteroid, a sudden shift in weather systems and many possibilities. People do not want to think that far ahead for whatever reason.

We may never live on Jupiter but Mars could potentially hold life and even a moon of jupiter may have a somewhat of an atmosphere and water ( Europa).  If we can learn about the more harsher conditions we can either expand to other planets or prepare to adapt in case of planet goes awry. It may seem pointless to some now but it could be in the long term future the difference between extinction as a species or survival.  If people want to live in their bubbles then that is their right but to tell others it's a waste of time using whatever dumb excuse they can think of is down right silly and laughable.  Some people want knowledge and want the species to do something other species cannot and that's survive no matter what the planet has in store.  We're quite capable of adapting yet people do not fully understand this.  This is an opinion and some facts so take it as you will.


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