A rant about my own personal grief...

Since my Dad's brother passed away and I still have issues with my own Dad's death I might as well just vent the grief off now and just reflect on my Dad's while i'm at it to prevent blow ups plus just to get shit off my chest. My dad died a decade ago back in November 2007. It wasn't a pleasant sight to see him waste away nor was the last days pleasant. I can't imagine how he felt but I take comfort in the fact he was probably so doped up on Morphine and ativan he probably didn't know what was going on or felt much atleast I hope anyway. In life comes death and everyone eventually deals with it and faces it themselves. Some people can handle it in a healthy manner while others like myself not so much. When Shaun and I was dating Dad's breathing got worse and he went to the ER for pain and breathing problems. They do Xrays and such and he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer which over the next few weeks we would find out it was stage 4 an...