I miss the 80's and 90's Tv...

I miss when back in the day tv shows that made you laugh actually
did so and were unapologetic about it unlike today's slop.  It was a
different time and people were able to laugh at themselves and at
other people without worrying about someone starting a protest in
rage or throwing a shit fit over what is funny or what isn't.  We were
laughing at characters on tv and the jokes not at an individual race
or gender in itself. We weren't taking things seriously and just took
light of stuff and had fun.  Now a days people are afraid to make jokes
because you'll always have that one party pooper who will come up 
and raise a ruckus because they lack a sense of humor. We also didn't
get upset over words or wanted everything to be sugar coated where
everything was all sunshine and rainbows. We laughed just because 
things were silly, stupid and sometimes offensive like sex jokes or

The 90's was a time to shine in the comedy department because you
didn't have to censor as much or worry about crossing someone overly
sensitive as if the tv characters were talking about them as a person anyway.
Married with Children was a great show for low brow humor and various
jokes that had offensive material for everyone.  In Living Color and Saturday
Night Live had some great time with satirical humor.  Shows back then could
never get away with some of the stuff today because how society has devolved
into a puddle of tears and thin skins. I have been finding myself watching In
Living Color and Married with children wishing to go back in time to an era
where everything was on the platter to be hilarious and you didn't have to 
watch what you say every five minutes.  Those were truelly great times and 
no matter how bad society as a whole gets they will never be able to erase that
or erase my sense of humor as I still find that stuff all funny as hell.  I would
much rather watch an offensive show of 30 years ago than some mushy boring
politically correct dribble they put out today.  They need to bring back Married
with Children (with the same humor) than shit shows like Fuller House or a
Roseanne reboot.  How the fuck you going to bring Dan back anyway he died?
Full House was never any good even in the 1990's so rebooting that  was like Oh
yay more lovey dovey lame bull shit  you cannot connect with.  I seen once episode 
and was like Yup still shit.  This is just an opinion  but I tend to avoid shows that
depict an unrealistic side of family life.  Full House was as fake as they came. My
family were foul mouthed, talked shit and didn't apologize what so ever to any
of the crap that came out of our mouths.  I could relate to the Bundy's because
that was so us in the 1980's and 90's.  This is why some humor doesn't bother me
nor am I offended by any of it.  I miss those days.  I still have my sense of humor
reguardless of these babies who get wound up over the pettiest of garbage.

Today I either just watch older shows or satirical shows like South Park who
take aim at such topics of today on and off. We need more parodies of how 
people have become and the way these people expects everyone else to be.
I am not stating any particular set of people but generally anyone who gets 
upset over jokes.  For me the worst offensive humor the better I refuse to cave
into these PC Social Justice Warriors who have a stick up their butt and no 
sense of humor. Deal with it.  I laugh and don't feel the least bit bad about
laughing at some shows and parodies.


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