KJRY on a winter's day and fog weather shots...

Thankfully it hasn't been as cold as it was and managed to get above 35
so figuring a Westbound might pull through I  do a short drive to a few 
spots for fog winter shots to pass the time til they might pull into Canton.
I go to Bryant and take a few pictures there of the old Interurban depot 
there and the BNSF Yates City sub tracks as well as a few other random
shots.  I like weather pictures so it kind of sparked interest when I seen
how foggy it was this morning.  I go up to Cuba and head back unto 
Canton and seen no KJRY.  I figured maybe they are running another 
day or did yesterday which I didn't hear so I go home for a bit.

My Brother n law used the car and whom do I hear KJRY's horn ofcourse.
Haha My luck and timing sometimes.  I didn't think I would  catch them
at all today and Scott comes home.  I go  down to Cuba to see if I can catch
up and I see the last car depart  Cuba so I head it off at Highway 95 between
Cuba and Smithfield.  I film it there then take some pictures in Smithfield
and Seville. I know so many other people get alot better shots and locations
but i'm cautious so I stay in places I know.  Safety is always first i anything
in life. Before I filmed at the crossing over the highway a van pulls up and a
man being driven by a woman asks me if I'm okay. I respond I'm fine and 
thank them. I've had that happen quite a few times in the last few months 
even at the Railfan Santa event when the men were on the other side with
cameras set up  but someone pin points me and asks if i'm okay.  I am very
greatful people show concern but i have to wonder if some aren't just curious 
or is it because i'm female and it's a rarity in this hobby. If my car crapped out
I'd have the emergency lights on or the hood up as well as try to flag someone
down.  I do appriciate it but it does make me nervous sometimes because I
have to explain myself and what I'm doing and I have gotten some of the
strangest looks. Haha. I guess every railfan gets that from time to time but
sometimes I do feel singled out due to gender.  Maybe it's because I feel 
society wants me to be something I'm not.  Make up, dresses and all that
god awful girly crap.  Then my interests doesn't interest many and they 
think I'm weird so I stand apart.  It's good to be unique but sometimes it
also has an odd effect on anxiety and fear of judgement.  I'm nuts though 
so probably my mind set.  To be fair my Dad and a few relatives used to
tell me I should act more like a lady.  Ummmm why because society wants me 
to be.  LOL.  No I'm not transgender either or gay. That was not a dig at
anyone so don't take that wrong.  I'm a married woman to a man but I also
like things guys like that few women wouldn't give two shits about.  I am 
me and that's all I ever want to be.

KJRY Train pictures and video:

Random shots of Saint David and Bryant:

Old Interurban Railroad depot in Bryant (line ended in the 1920's):

Canton Old TP&W signal with a relay box with the Mile post on it plus 
nearby switch for a siding and the nearest crossing:


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