Political musing...

In America today if you support a certain party today to which 
the president is a part of people will cry, bicker and accuse you
of everything in the book. They will call you hateful, a biggot
and everything they can think of to further whatever their 
agenda is or if they got their feelings hurt. This particular 
side tends to protest alot, wear silly hats to grab attention
and some of the more insane ones even wish harm on the
president.  We all have seen it one time or another on some
social media platform.  I am here to say this  Donald Trump
is your president and I thought some of you were moving to
Canada if he was elected.  Why are you still here?  Why say
something then not keep your word?  Attention seeking? All
about the dramatic to get your anger and your disappointment

I am talking about the more dramatic ones who make bold statements.
It's fine if you have a specific party you follow to each their own but 
to some of these people what change do they think their dramatic temper
tantrums will have other than becoming a laughing stock to some people.
I had one person accuse me of being hateful for supporting Donald Trump.
Why because I throw support behind the president?  This person also states
I trigger person yet does the same thing themselves for fun. If you're going to
throw out shade make sure your shit doesn't stink first just some food for 
thought.  I know my shit stinks what shit smells like roses so no need to come 
back throwing that back in.  I own up to my foul smelling feces. So political
parties is basically just a never ending back and forth between people only
settled by when someone wins an election.  Well guess what Trump won the
election.  Sure better people should have ran there is no denying that but
until he leaves office he is my president if I like it or not and he is yours.
We all had to live with Obama, Bush and Clinton like many have lived with
other president's in the past. It is what it is.  I like Trump for his mouth to
be honest and how he doesn't cave into all that politically correct annoying
garbage people who find offense with any single thing will spew out of their
pie holes.  He isn't the least bit concerned on whoses feelings he hurts and we
actually need that because this country became full of overly sensitive babies
that need their diapers changed and a pat on the back for everything.  I do
however don't agree with him on every policy and sometimes he could handle
things alot better but I'm the queen of needing improvement so who am I to talk?

What annoys me to a certain extent and more drove me to his side is all the
people constantly crying about how he won? We dealt with Obama and most
of us didn't complain.  Sure there were people who did and got carried away
but the fact of the matter is we dealt with it. It's too soon to tell what his presidency
will all be like since it's only a year in. I'm willing to give him a chance like I gave
Obama and the other clowns before him a chance.  It's politics the chances you're
going to get a one hundred percent perfect president is impossible and are all the
Liberals forgetting about Bill Clinton and his dilly dallying in the white house 
and lying on national Tv twenty years ago.  They all have issues plain and simple.
Why are people only offended by Trump yet not offended by some of the things
other presidents have done in the past and puts some of them on this pedestal?
Just a question out of pure curiosity?


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