Catch of the day the IMRR at Forest City, Illinois.

Today has not been that active in the way of seeing trains out and about and the scanner was  just as quiet atleast when I was out and about today with my mother.   My first hint of one was coming was seeing an IMRR truck by a crossing then when I got to Manito seen lights up the tracks so i parked there.  My camera decided to throw a fit and the button wouldnt function when the train was approaching so missed the locomotive on film.  I decide to get ahead of it and parked at Forest City and got my film.  I wanted to catch IMRR for a while now in the Havana area so close enough.  I didn't feel like back tracking all the way back to Havana so I will another time.  It was still worth it.  The rest of the time spent looking for trains I did manage to nail a TZPR at wesley road heading into their yard.  I seen TP&W pull into their yard as well but they sat put for a  while so got bored and left plus mom was impatient.  We went up to Chillicothe for  forty five minutes and caught two bnsf westbound trains.  After that had to leave and take her home plus go pick up my husband so pretty much just killing time.  The IMRR was a suprise.  Ok not really i seen the truck and heard them on scanner so knew it was coming but it was a delight.  I have only seen  that railroad on that line maybe a handful of times.  I also on the way back  stopped in Mapleton to see if KJRY had the SW13 they were hauling the other day sitting around.  The whole train was there with the  A-B-A line up, Gp20 and the SW13.  It made for quite a sight getting them all in one shot.

I wonder if KJ will head west tommorrow or the next day.  I also wonder what they plan on doing with the SW13.


  1. I haven't caught the IMRR handling grain empties to Atterbury before...

  2. I wonder how often they do dealings in atterbury. I also wonder if Kilbourne has anything. I'm not familiar with what businesses they got on the line especially south of Havana.


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