Railfanning in Mason County

The last few months I was able to catch two trains down in Mason County where I rarely ever catch trains.  I know they go through there but I'm never down there at the same time or days.  I lucked out these two days.  In February  I  went down to Havana looking more into the old Illinois Central right of way I managed to see a few parked locomotives at the Havana power plant which I never see. I used to work down at Intermet Havana foundry for over a year and would see coal trains from time to time working third shift.  I would either have to wait on them before going in or sometimes watched them on lunch break since a few of us liked hanging around outside.  I also remember seeing  other trains up near Forest City and Manito areas I assume now at the time were Illinois & Midland.  After  2003 I don't remember seeing anything in Havana or on this line other that cars stored on some siding. So  I was happy when I finally caught something.

The BNSF coal train sitting a few miles outside of Havana was taken off guard by since I didn't have my scanner so when I seen the crossing flashing on some road I turned.  I seen them parked there with lights on so parked. I waited maybe fifteen minutes then he left and I filmed them.  A month later I was hoping to catch something down that way so I started at Havana and worked my way up.  I see a few Illinois and Midland trucks one being at a crossing so I thought maybe something was coming then heard the Chatter on Scanner so then I knew for sure one was coming from Powerton yard.  Sure enough I did.  My old camera crapped out and wouldn't turn on when it approached Manito but I caught a better video in Forest City.  I didnt want to back track to Havana so I'll get one there some other time as I wanted to catch other trains plus my mother was with me.  She probably thinks I'm crazy enough.  I look to catch more down that way someday and I'm very interested in nailing Illinois & Midland.


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