Remember winter? KJRY does...

Our winter this year in Illinois has been lets say rather mild and snow free.  If there is a god thank god for that by the way.  Nothing i love more that slushing through snow and sliding on ice falling on my butt from time to time after bad ice storms as well as  cleaning a car off of that crap. I wanted to get a winter shot of KJRY and my favorite F units and  on Feb 8th, 2017 I was in luck. We had a small snow event that left the area between two or three inches and heard KJRY from my apartment.  I went ahead of them a  mile or so west of Canton and parked on a dirt road.  A cop from the Fulton County sheriffs department pulled up and asked if I was okay.  I said I was fine and what I was doing.  I also said i'd move  or leave if he wanted.  He said I was fine and went about his business. So I went back to what I was doing.  I liked the snow setting to the F units. Despite hating winter weather it does seem to have some moments at times and can result in pretty scenery.  


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