Interesting day with CN, BNSF, NS and TP&W.

This  afternoon was  interesting besides going to an appointment and getting some stuff taken care of I managed to snag four train in Creve Coure and East Peoria, Illinois.  THe first one was around noon probably a little before when a CN local comes by so i park off to the side off Wesley to film. Just as I was filming the last part of the train a line of BNSF locomotives pass by on the other track.  I catch them again down the line.  Later in the afternoon I go snooping around for anything I might see before going home I hear about an NS train near the East Peoria yard so I turn off Washington street and sure enough they were there.  When I got there only one NS locomotive was coupled to some hoppers which looked empty.  A white van was next to it and I see another NS locomotive come up, cross washington then backed up to the  train.  They coupled but they had to wait on a few moves.  One turned out to be TP&W.  I heard TP&W mentioned and another was told to hang around Sanger street til the bridge was down and watch signals.  I have no idea who it was probably TZPR since prior I heard one of their locomotives mention #1351 I think.  I film the TP&W then go to Farmdale road to wait for the NS train.  Naturally just my luck someone pulls up and bugs me but they left.   The NS pulls on by but the sun kind of made it a challenge.  Ugh.  This is my first train I have caught at Farmdale road so far and hopefully not the last.  The TP&W train was sitting in their yard when I  started to leave so no idea if it headed east or not.


  1. A few comments...

    (1) The TP&W train was a transfer run from TZPR to the TP&W's own East Peoria Yard. Looks like tank cars carrying nitrogen fertilizer solution. An empty covered hopper is heading back to Incobrasa Industries at Gilman.

    (2) The CN local carries symbol L56491 (L = Local, 564 = number assigned to this train, 9 = Division and 1 = First Section). Eight anhydrous ammonia tank cars on the rear. BNSF power is most likely heading to Grove to pick up a feed train which had come off the CN earlier.

    (3) Norfolk Southern Train 403...coal empties heading back to the Shay Mine near Carlinville, Illinois. Train had earlier run on the Iowa Interstate from Cedar Rapids to Peoria as CRPE.

  2. Thank you. The NS I knew from what you said a while back about it going to some mine down south with empties. The other had no idea what they were carrying or where they were off too.

  3. Where is the grove by the way? IN Pekin by the big cemetery? or further down the line?

  4. Grove is the location of a crossover midpoint between Wesley and Pekin. It also used to be the point at which the Gulf Mobile & Ohio trains entered and left with P&PU. It is located just south of the park in North Pekin by River Drive, but out of public view, unfortunately.

  5. "...left with P&PU." = "...left P&PU."

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ok thanks. I asked because I seen grain cars down past the cemetery unless CN picked them up and they were the cars I seen.


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