Oh you lovable ( debatable) goof....

I see one of my comments on the local Peoria paper website made a certain
columnists snide article. He's quite entertaining as well as salty if anyone has
the slightest difference in opinion. This so called columnist also baits people
with controversial or various topics and he picks the ones that disagrees and
calls it snide. Oh I admit sometimes I state my opinion in snarkiness with some
shade thrown but this particular one wasn't even one of my better ones. I guess
to have a comment noticed is something i guess as if it matters in the scheme of
things he has his opinion and I have mine.  I bet he sits back and thinks he won
or has trolled people. Oh not at all I have seen trolling. Oh hell I've participate in
it from time to time over various subjects but some of our comments as readers
is just an opinion and that's that not shade being thrown but according to this
particular man it is.  Much salt and soreness for one butt.

It's no secret down stater's are not fond of Chicago. They contain some of the most
crookedest politicians around who run this state which is a majority of the reason
some of us aren't crazy about Chi- town, then crime rates, crazy insane drivers up
there  and a different lifestyle. Yet they look at us like yokel's. True we do got our
share and call us that if you want I can take a joke but don't we produce some of 
your food or stuff that can make your every day products you use. Yet we get no
love from these big city folks who know little about life on the outside of some
major city. Maybe there is a reason we don't like you because you people think
you're all that and we're just the slack jawed mindless yokels you look down upon.
I support making Chicago it's own state. They can keep the old state budget and the
crooked politicians too and we'll make our own.  It will never happen and all of us
who make  various comments know this but it is fun to ponder about.  People below
I-80 getting road work for a change and some love instead of being ignored like we 
all don't matter.  It's just fun to think about Illinois without that city but we all know
it will never happen. Then you'd have states and cities all over receding from each

If this columnist loves Chicago so much why isn't he up there writing snark and
various silly topics for their papers than the Urinal Star down here? Either way
both are one sided and pander to the liberal crowd so some of their topics can be
rather amusing in a I need some popcorn for this foolishness sort of way. Some of
his columns can range from various local things to something so silly it'd be like me 
deciding to devote an entire blog post to my nipples or some fart I squeezed out my
ass.  From time to time he does write something I agree with or can relate with but
it isn't often mind you. I guess I should be flattered one of my comments got a notice
even if it's to snark at in his usual typical way of turning everything around to make
other people look like the trolls when we all damned well know he's the biggest troll
around. He just happens to get paid for it by a paper who excels at other silly stuff,
and typical media pot stirring. There's my two cents shot's fired.....
This pussy is not pleased!


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